आप से तुम तक
करीब तो आए पर आज तुम और आप के
बिच बहुत फासला हो गया... आप एक परिचित की तरह
रिश्ते निभा रहा है और तुम (अपनत्व)
अपने अस्तित्व की तलाश में सामने खड़ा सब कुछ देख रहा है...
Things A Successful Person Wouldn’t Let You Know
1. Sleep
A person can’t work for longer hours if they don’t sleep
properly. People with higher ratio of success tends to sleep more. They always
complete their nap time of 6-8 hours daily.
2. Meditate
Meditation is the best exercise to improve your power of
concentration. It also helps in relaxing your mind and body which is not so
easy in this hectic life. People who meditates remain calm and cool.
3. Don’t stop learning
You stop learning after exams are over or when you finish
your goals but successful people don’t. Successful people are habitual of
gaining as much as knowledge they can. Technology gets enhanced over the period
of time and accordingly the science behind it too. A little update in anything
comes with new information.
4. Judge better
They have a good sense to judge life. They know how to deal
with life conditions. They don’t over react to situations just to avoid further
5. Save and Invest
They earn to save and invest it in another business. Saving
and investing in another business helps to expand the source of income. By this
one is not completely rely on one source of income only.
6. Highly Active
Successful people are very energetic in nature. Ask them to
give a task and they will do it rapidly. They are not habitual of giving
excuses to avoid work instead they come in front to complete such tasks.
7. They love people
This is the biggest truth behind the life of successful
people. We can’t make it large all alone. We need support, love, capital etc to
be a successful person. And these things can only be achieved when you love
people equally without any expectations. Don’t try to fake love just because
you need them, people are smart enough to judge you.